“Salem Ahmed Balhamer” Message of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Salem Balhamer Holding 300 Years of Civilization

The day of 22 of February of each year is considered a memorable day for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which we remember the glorious history of our blessed country. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded three centuries ago by the founding imam Muhammad bin Saud in 1139 AH / 1727 Ad. His name is memorable in history for his greatnes after laying the foundations of a vastly influential state, based on Islam, good governance, continuous achievements, and the consolidation of unity and security in the Arabian Peninsula, after long centuries of dispersion, division, and instability.

the announcment of “Foundation Day” in accordance with the royal order issued by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, “may God protect him,” specifying February 22 of each year as the anniversary of the founding of the first Saudi state is considered as an exceptional opportunity to study the ancient history of the Kingdom, and learn about the historical depth of the Saudi royal family. They date back nearly 600 years since Mani’ bin Rabia al-Muraidi, the thirteenth grandfather of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, “may God protect him,” established the city of Diriyah in 850 AH / 1446 AD, which became the capital of the first Saudi state.

The Saudi state went through multiple historical phases, punctuated by events that contributed to shaping the political geography of the Kingdom. During that period, many scholars appeared, and knowledge and science flourished, since the era of the first Saudi state, up to the prosperous era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and the Crown Prince. they followed the instructions of the founders and their principles based on the true Islamic religion and monotheism, and interest in education, economy, security, unity and science. This confirms that this country was founded on solid and well-established foundations that made it a great power, with great importance among nations.

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